Enter to Win our little “Solar Bear”

In honor of International Polar Bear Day (taking place this month on February 27th), we invite you to enter a contest to win our little plush “Solar Bear.”

Just email SUNNYTIMES@builtwellsolar.com with the subject “SOLAR BEAR” and tell us your name, town and cell# by March 1, 2024 to enter.

The winner will be notified via text during the first week of March. Anyone over 18 and living on Long Island can enter. We will arrange to get the little guy to the winner.

Also, we remind everyone to do their part to help our planet, whether through recycling or cycling, reducing waste, switching to an EV or to solar energy. 

DID YOU KNOW? In 2008, the polar bear had the dubious distinction of being the first animal placed on the U.S. endangered species list due to climate threats, specifically the loss of Arctic sea ice. New research establishes a direct link between greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and polar bear survival rates, which continue to decline. By extension, switching to solar energy, away from fossil fuels, helps save the polar bears!